9/1/06 - First version complete.
10/21/06 -
Some minor tweaks.
11/4/06 - Couple typos fixed, added a couple equip options after
level 60
So you want to be an enu? Awesome. Wait, what's that? You
say you don't want to be one of those lame enus that just site in the back wearing a
vegaset with 1 hp, casts fortune, greed, and dies? Awesomer, those enus are a disgrace to
our class.
Let's start with the stats.
Strength:Each point boost 5 pods. Level a profession instead. You are not
SkippDigsYou, therefore you do not boost strength.
Vitality: You may
want to boost this. I would advise against it. Equips will give you all you need and
Very important, not only do you gain
more wisdom after fights, but each 4 wisdom points gives 1% AP and MP resist. However,
spending 3 points just for 1 wisdom is a crime so horrendous, the only suitable punishment
would be to delete the character, and start over again. SCROLL WISDOM TO 25 ASAP, THEN
Chance:Avoid. Not worth having your best attacks be strengthened. NOT! Get to
200 base asap (scrolling to 50 first isn't a bad idea, but don't do it if you
don't have the extra money.) Once your base chance is 200... just keep on boosting
it! Not until 230 does it become 4:1, so then it becomes a preference, really. Vitality,
or just keep plowing on. The choice is yours.
Pandoras Box: Really great spell at level 5, +8 crits or 1-16 hp is nice either way.
You should max it, but not till later, when you have the points to do it.

Rocks Den: Ask yourself: Will I ever do PvP? If the answer is yes, boost this spell to
level 2-3. If no, don't boost. I did PvP quite a bit in the 60s (taking a break now,) and
I found that my level 2 rocks den was plenty.
Ghostly Shovel: Unbewitchment = sexy, period. At level 5, it's 4 ap
and 1/10 crit, so even if you have no +crit equips (which isn't smart, in general,)
pandoras box will do the job.
Prime of Life: AT LAST, the worst spell any class ever gets!! See
unsummoning on what to do with it.
Coins Throwing: This, my friends, is your first of 2 attacks. This will get
you from level 26 to level 60. 1-6 damage may sound wimpy, but +damages will fix that right
up. Max RIGHT when you get to 26.
Living Shovel: I maxed this, not for the +8 chace I get, but for the 400 hp block
that follows me around. If you use it right, this spell will save your life many a time.
It's really up to you, though.

Greed: This is an outstanding support enu spell. Oh wait, we're not support
enus. NEXT!
Shovel Kiss: No LoS is nice, but it's fire damage so don't boost it.
Clumsiness: I leveled almost only solo, so I boosted this to level
3, and it does the job nicely. 1 AP is always good. Really another choice spell.
Mass Clumsiness: Looks great on paper, is useless in battle.
Level 1, and don't even bother keeping it in your spell bar.
Acceleration: Level 5 as soon as you can. Not much to say about it really, it
works exactly how you'd expect.
Shovel of Judgement: Dun dun dun DUUUN! Your second and final
attacking spell. Level 5 immediately, and have at the very least +3 critical hits to make it
crit 1/2.
Slaughtering Shovel:

It looks good, but the enormous damage range and 6 AP cost makes it just
not worth it.
Bribery: Don't boost it. It's a boss spell,
but giving the enemy 100 hp and basically throwing away your turn (7 AP?!?) makes it
not one of the best spells available.
Living Chest! Yay! You finally made it! Max is right away, even
though it's not exactly a helper in battle. You'll get quite a bit more when you
basically get 2 peoples drops.
Other notable spells:
Release: Get it, at the very least. It's GREAT if you want to get
away from something that hits hard close up. Just release, run, and clumsi, or SoJ.
Shovel Skill Get it asap, it's dirt cheap (I've seen it as
low as 15kk... when I got it a looong time ago, I had to pay, 100kk.. and that was a great
deal back then.) Anyways, have it, but don't boost it till the 80s, since there are no
good shovels (excluding gicque) until 87.
Hammer Skill
Your main weapon for many many levels is a super high damage hammer, so getting this spell,
even if you don't boost it, isn't a bad idea.
Here's what I've been recommending to
those who ask:But
I'm still nekked, what am I to wear?
young grasshopper, Shlemazel is here to help!
If you have the money, get
an adventure set right away, the wisdom is nice. If not, just be naked. This is really one of
the most difficult times to level. To be honest, I farmed lots and lots and lots of moskito
wings, and scrolled Shlemazel to level 15
. That's the
most convenient way. You can also mooch off a higher level, or just fight gob after gob
using shovel throwing. (note, at level 11, you can use a whistling bow, which will speed
soloing up considerably.) Then you hit..
Level 16: Have a robber set,
minus the daggers, and the 3 nonconflicting parts of the moskito set (hat, backpack, ring).
Use a holic bow, and your uselessness will suddenly turn into 35-50 damage a turn (you have
been boosting ONLY chance, right?)
Use this set for the next 10 levels. Go to porkass
plains, and fight single shephards that are close to your level. You have well over 100 hp
thanks to robber set, so it's almost impossible to die. This gets boring after awhile, but
just keep going! Once you hit..
Level 26: YAY, coins
throwing! Keep the same set, but go to sidimote and find VERY small smith/miner mobs,
and have fun sniping them while they have to go all the way around the rivers of lava. Once
again, it's difficult to die. You can also go to the area northeast of the 10, 22 zaap,
but although there are more level friendly smith and miner mobs, the maps can be pretty
dangerous. IMPORTANT! Use ergat minas now. They are SEEEEXY! Other than
that, carry on with robber/moskito.
Level 38: Prespic set time (A.K.A.
Beaver set.) Really try to get a perfect damage set, and of course a high wis set. Use
robber amulet and ring, and full prespic set. You can if you want use an agreement and
silimelle wedding ring instead of robber (expect to do MUCH less damage).
Now is a good time to point out: you just aren't going to have a lot of
prospecting until level 60. Deal with it. Damages are more important than chance.
Carry on with smiths, and if you're feeling brave, try a nice low level ougi fight.
Bark will do almost (if not) no damage to you, so they shouldn't be much of a problem.
Switch to a palid emblem (yes - chance. Deal with it,) and dark treering as you level through
the 40's. If you want a pros set, get a blue scara set, and fill in the remaining parts
with whatever you can get that gives +damages.
Level 55: Beastly
weapon time. Make a re'thu hammer (yes, make it. They just use a couple alloys
which you should have a plethora of after your smith training.) Make at least 5 or 6,
because this is your weapon for the next, at least, 30+ levels. You have 2 mp now, so
switching to mobs of 2 red scaras (or just 2 scaras) can be good (although I carried on with
smiths.) Re'thu is 16-30 damage, with the great plus-shape range, AND 4 AP, so
it's infinately better then Zebuth shovel.
Level 60: Congrats, you
are officially 10 times stronger. And what's a better way to celebrate then with a new
wardrobe? Make sure you have plenty of money saved up, cause this ain't
What I used is in bold.
Amulet: Kam Assutra/Aerdala
amulet/Wabbit amulet/Celestial Brooch/Modified Dragolyre
Akwadala/Hairy cloak (lvl 63)
Belt: Blue turtle belt/Adelus
Ring 1:
Blue scara ring (high chance and crits)
Ring 2: Gelano/Dark treering
Hat: Treekaska/Caralining/Houde
Caraboots/Jelloboots/Tarsy's boots (not recommended, you need the
Weapon: Re'Thu(by far the best option)/maged
powerful mishmashovel/maged golden rhizome
After this, level on smiths, ougis, or
my favorite (well, let me clarify: mind numbingly boring, but 50k exp for a 3 minute fight),
As you level, you can get new, better equips, such as desire ball cape at
67, gobball breeder boots at 67, and ano neemous at 70. The main thing is that, from here
on out, you NEED 8 ap to be a successfull battle enu.
You have the option of:
2x SoJ
2x SoJ + 2x Coins
Pandoras + Ghostly + Coins
2x Ghostly
many many many many more useuful combos.
At this point, you should have a
firm grasp on how to play. Have fun, I sure did.
10/21/06 -
Some minor tweaks.
11/4/06 - Couple typos fixed, added a couple equip options after
level 60
So you want to be an enu? Awesome. Wait, what's that? You
say you don't want to be one of those lame enus that just site in the back wearing a
vegaset with 1 hp, casts fortune, greed, and dies? Awesomer, those enus are a disgrace to
our class.
Let's start with the stats.
Strength:Each point boost 5 pods. Level a profession instead. You are not
SkippDigsYou, therefore you do not boost strength.
Vitality: You may
want to boost this. I would advise against it. Equips will give you all you need and
Very important, not only do you gain
more wisdom after fights, but each 4 wisdom points gives 1% AP and MP resist. However,
spending 3 points just for 1 wisdom is a crime so horrendous, the only suitable punishment
would be to delete the character, and start over again. SCROLL WISDOM TO 25 ASAP, THEN
Chance:Avoid. Not worth having your best attacks be strengthened. NOT! Get to
200 base asap (scrolling to 50 first isn't a bad idea, but don't do it if you
don't have the extra money.) Once your base chance is 200... just keep on boosting
it! Not until 230 does it become 4:1, so then it becomes a preference, really. Vitality,
or just keep plowing on. The choice is yours.

You should max it, but not till later, when you have the points to do it.

Rocks Den: Ask yourself: Will I ever do PvP? If the answer is yes, boost this spell to
level 2-3. If no, don't boost. I did PvP quite a bit in the 60s (taking a break now,) and
I found that my level 2 rocks den was plenty.

and 1/10 crit, so even if you have no +crit equips (which isn't smart, in general,)
pandoras box will do the job.

unsummoning on what to do with it.

you from level 26 to level 60. 1-6 damage may sound wimpy, but +damages will fix that right
up. Max RIGHT when you get to 26.

that follows me around. If you use it right, this spell will save your life many a time.
It's really up to you, though.

Greed: This is an outstanding support enu spell. Oh wait, we're not support
enus. NEXT!

3, and it does the job nicely. 1 AP is always good. Really another choice spell.

Level 1, and don't even bother keeping it in your spell bar.

works exactly how you'd expect.

attacking spell. Level 5 immediately, and have at the very least +3 critical hits to make it
crit 1/2.

It looks good, but the enormous damage range and 6 AP cost makes it just
not worth it.

but giving the enemy 100 hp and basically throwing away your turn (7 AP?!?) makes it
not one of the best spells available.

though it's not exactly a helper in battle. You'll get quite a bit more when you
basically get 2 peoples drops.
Other notable spells:
Release: Get it, at the very least. It's GREAT if you want to get
away from something that hits hard close up. Just release, run, and clumsi, or SoJ.
Shovel Skill Get it asap, it's dirt cheap (I've seen it as
low as 15kk... when I got it a looong time ago, I had to pay, 100kk.. and that was a great
deal back then.) Anyways, have it, but don't boost it till the 80s, since there are no
good shovels (excluding gicque) until 87.
Hammer Skill
Your main weapon for many many levels is a super high damage hammer, so getting this spell,
even if you don't boost it, isn't a bad idea.
Here's what I've been recommending to
those who ask:But
I'm still nekked, what am I to wear?
young grasshopper, Shlemazel is here to help!
If you have the money, get
an adventure set right away, the wisdom is nice. If not, just be naked. This is really one of
the most difficult times to level. To be honest, I farmed lots and lots and lots of moskito
wings, and scrolled Shlemazel to level 15

most convenient way. You can also mooch off a higher level, or just fight gob after gob
using shovel throwing. (note, at level 11, you can use a whistling bow, which will speed
soloing up considerably.) Then you hit..
Level 16: Have a robber set,
minus the daggers, and the 3 nonconflicting parts of the moskito set (hat, backpack, ring).
Use a holic bow, and your uselessness will suddenly turn into 35-50 damage a turn (you have
been boosting ONLY chance, right?)
Use this set for the next 10 levels. Go to porkass
plains, and fight single shephards that are close to your level. You have well over 100 hp
thanks to robber set, so it's almost impossible to die. This gets boring after awhile, but
just keep going! Once you hit..
Level 26: YAY, coins
throwing! Keep the same set, but go to sidimote and find VERY small smith/miner mobs,
and have fun sniping them while they have to go all the way around the rivers of lava. Once
again, it's difficult to die. You can also go to the area northeast of the 10, 22 zaap,
but although there are more level friendly smith and miner mobs, the maps can be pretty
dangerous. IMPORTANT! Use ergat minas now. They are SEEEEXY! Other than
that, carry on with robber/moskito.
Level 38: Prespic set time (A.K.A.
Beaver set.) Really try to get a perfect damage set, and of course a high wis set. Use
robber amulet and ring, and full prespic set. You can if you want use an agreement and
silimelle wedding ring instead of robber (expect to do MUCH less damage).
Now is a good time to point out: you just aren't going to have a lot of
prospecting until level 60. Deal with it. Damages are more important than chance.
Carry on with smiths, and if you're feeling brave, try a nice low level ougi fight.
Bark will do almost (if not) no damage to you, so they shouldn't be much of a problem.
Switch to a palid emblem (yes - chance. Deal with it,) and dark treering as you level through
the 40's. If you want a pros set, get a blue scara set, and fill in the remaining parts
with whatever you can get that gives +damages.
Level 55: Beastly
weapon time. Make a re'thu hammer (yes, make it. They just use a couple alloys
which you should have a plethora of after your smith training.) Make at least 5 or 6,
because this is your weapon for the next, at least, 30+ levels. You have 2 mp now, so
switching to mobs of 2 red scaras (or just 2 scaras) can be good (although I carried on with
smiths.) Re'thu is 16-30 damage, with the great plus-shape range, AND 4 AP, so
it's infinately better then Zebuth shovel.
Level 60: Congrats, you
are officially 10 times stronger. And what's a better way to celebrate then with a new
wardrobe? Make sure you have plenty of money saved up, cause this ain't
What I used is in bold.
Amulet: Kam Assutra/Aerdala
amulet/Wabbit amulet/Celestial Brooch/Modified Dragolyre
Akwadala/Hairy cloak (lvl 63)
Belt: Blue turtle belt/Adelus
Ring 1:
Blue scara ring (high chance and crits)
Ring 2: Gelano/Dark treering
Hat: Treekaska/Caralining/Houde
Caraboots/Jelloboots/Tarsy's boots (not recommended, you need the
Weapon: Re'Thu(by far the best option)/maged
powerful mishmashovel/maged golden rhizome
After this, level on smiths, ougis, or
my favorite (well, let me clarify: mind numbingly boring, but 50k exp for a 3 minute fight),
As you level, you can get new, better equips, such as desire ball cape at
67, gobball breeder boots at 67, and ano neemous at 70. The main thing is that, from here
on out, you NEED 8 ap to be a successfull battle enu.
You have the option of:
2x SoJ
2x SoJ + 2x Coins
Pandoras + Ghostly + Coins
2x Ghostly
many many many many more useuful combos.
At this point, you should have a
firm grasp on how to play. Have fun, I sure did.
Finally you wrote a guide, nice work man.
Also, Lvl 42: clumsiness to 3 -- 33 points
Lvl 54: acceleration to 4 -- 39 points
Both to level 5 ok? Was going to go that path.
Im almost 43 but atm wearing fulll prespic with gangster ring and prespic ring, I do have that
tree ring in bank but not sure if I should take out prespic or the gangster ring for it....
Having wisdom is nice.
Another thing, at level 38s + fighting fungi master and mob with level 50 and under 70 is
giving me about 10,000 to 14,000xp a fight which is good but those mush mush are annoying.
==== About Dofus ====
Dofus is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Ankama Studio, a French computer game manufacturer. Dofus is set in the world of Amakna, which is an anagram of Ankama. Its success led to the marketing of by-products, like books, and with the development of two continuations: Dofus Arena, a tactical online multiplayer game, released at the beginning of 2006, is an alternative "tournament" version of Dofus; and Wakfu which is currently in preparation and should be released by the end of 2007.
Dofus is a role-playing game in which players create characters that serve as their avatar in the online world. The player can choose from twelve different classes, one of which is reserved for subscribers.
One can lose easily thanks to the hard monsters.
Combat is played out "turn by turn" on squared charts. Within a turn, each player can advance 3 squares and use up to 6 "attack points", used to cast spells. The AP (attack points) and MP (movement points) can be increased in later evolution of the character, by using certain equipment.
When a character dies, they lose a specific amount of money and energy that is able to be regained while sitting in a tavern before logging off, or by using certain objects. If all of your energy is exhausted, you will take the form of a ghost which will be used to very slowly reach a statue of a phoenix, where it will be able to resurrect your character and regain a part of its vital energy (1000 points). A character's maximum energy is 10,000, but this can be raised upon reaching certain orders within an alignment. There is a possibility that a priest (who is another play who has reached this rank) will return the fallen player to the "human form" with a portion of their energy, usually in exchange for some Kamas.
Characters can join and form guilds, which make it possible for the members to speak with each other, to coordinate each other, set up a tax collector to take sales/taxes carried out by the players who are not members of the guild, or to steal the objects dropped from monsters at the end of a fight.
A system of alignment makes it possible to take part in a war between the cities Bonta (City of the Angels) and that of Brakmar (City of the Demons), in the form of a players versus players mode (PvP). Since the 1.13 update, points can be gained from these fights, and hence a PvP scene developed. The third alignment, named Sériane-Kern (represented by wings made of wood and fabric), makes it possible to remain neutral and to carry out contracts provided by other players. However, this alignment is only available on the first server, Jiva.
A new update in the game makes it possible to breed Dragoturkeys. This makes it possible to go twice as fast compared to running. As such, there are breeding enclosures available to players to breed their mounts.
There are twelve different classes. The choice of class determines which spells your character will receive, as well as how much characteristic upgrades will cost. The class names are inside jokes amongst the developers, often (but not always) referring in some way to the abilities of the class. For example, the Xelor class which uses time magic in combat, derives its name from Rolex, a watch manufacturer.
* Sadida's Boots ("Adidas" backwards) - Nature-influenced direct damage and voodoo doll summoning.
* Eniripsa's Hands (Aspirine, the French spelling of "Aspirin") - Specialized in healing and invoking spells to increase the abilities of their allies.
* Iop's Heart (named for Yop yogurt drink, a developer in-joke) - Attack-based class with many powerful spells, however they have short range.
* Cra's Range (Arc, French for "bow") - Archer class specializing in bow and arrow attacks that have long range to attack enemies from far away.
* Feca's Shield (café, French for coffee, another inside joke) - Defensive magic user, usually the last man standing in a fight.
* Sacrier's Blood (sacrifice + crier; the French name is sacrieur, sacrifice + rieur, "one who laughs") - Attacks based on sacrifice and self-damage to deal more powerful attacks.
* Osamodas' Whip (Sado-Maso{chism}) - Summoner class that can call creatures to its aid.
* Ecaflip's Coin ("pilface" is a shortened form of "pile ou face", which means "tails or heads") - Gambler class whose attacks are powerful but can backfire and harm the player.
* Enutrof's Fingers (Fortune) - Treasure seeker class that starts off weaker in battle but finds dropped items at a faster rate.
* Xelor's hourglass (Rolex) - Masters of time, able to delay or speed up units in battle by taking or adding Action Points (AP) to enemies and/or allies.
* Sram's Shadow (Mars Bar, yet another inside joke) - thief/assassin class, specializing in different types of hidden traps, invisibility and powerful close combat.
* Pandawa's pint (Padawan or Panda Warrior) - While sober, they're a support class, carrying allies around the battlefield and lowering enemies' elemental resistance. When drunk, they become formidable close-range fighters, with reduced movement but powerful attacks and damage reduction. This class is available only for paid players(p2p).
According to a post on this topic on the official forums, Feca, Iop, and Sram were the first three classes created, so the developers named them after their favorites among the various snacks they enjoyed while making the game, and the names have nothing to do with the classes themselves.